Tomorrow (an ominous Friday 13th) is my last day at Xerox, and it looks like they've saved the best for last, by giving me the latest branch campaign for Halifax to sink my teeth into before I leave. It's pretty much complete, with a second Hanna-Barbera character to follow Top Cat. Yesterday's main message was a well known catchphrase, so I won't mention that for fear of spilling the secret out onto the internet before the campaign goes live. Today's main message, by contrast, has been a rather generic "Relax, you've earned it!" with the character in question floating in an inflatable ring. One of the first Halifax branch campaign ads I worked on featured a guy with an inflatable, so in a way it feels like things have come full-circle. Also summer looks like it's come back, so it's a nice image and sentiment to end my time at Xerox.
Nothing yet lined up for next week work-wise, although I am going for an interview with an agency near Warren Street, a short bus ride away from the flat. I think most of next week will be spent chasing up leads and trying to pin down, much as I feel the urge to 'relax'. If I am going to be forced to not work for a week at least I can hope for a bit of good weather.
Just spending the last fall hour of the day to collect together a few images of these last few jobs, to upload once they're live. There's a pub lunch planned for tomorrow, as a farewell, and then drinks after work as a big final drinks for a lot of people (as at least half the studio will have gone by tomorrow). I won't be making the afternoon drinks, as I've got things to do this weekend, that don't include me struggling back home by train drunk. No doubt I'll be having a few drinks in town, closer to home. It's nice to live a short bus ride from central London, or a short walk from Camden Town.